Our place

Building facilities

We designed Rollino in detail and very carefully right from the beginning, making it one of the few schools constructed on a private site exclusively designed to be a school.

With the help of the Mechanic Architect Mr. Michalis Spyropoulos and his experience in school designing all across Europe, we achieved a high level of specifications at its 750 square meters making it a dream place for kids.

The lean air rooms with wide windows and bright sunshine made of excellent building materials are carefully decorated. Interior open air room with big glass windows for relaxation moments. The interior has been designed so that all activities are carried out with comfort and safety.

The exterior

There is nothing more refreshing for our kids than the clean air and movement. How can’t we enjoy this garden? The experience and research are in total harmony. Kids are active and the positive effects in body and mind our profound. All senses get activated and we reduce stress. The natural sounds of this greenery surrounding accompany kids associating every action with science and happiness in the exterior part of Rollino. Physical activity has scientifically proven to be associated with brain development and improvement of skills like collaboration, confidence, self-discipline, socialization, leadership, following instruction, detailed observation, problem solution, negotiation. It is known that whatever sets our body free makes us more sensitized in new ways of learning aiming at the creation of integral personalities. The odors, the sounds, the brightness enrich our experiences and stimuli with elements that keep our memories alive.

Safety….. of course:

Our kids’ safety is secured in every level. Besides the excellent building conditions for emergency cases (earthquake, fire etc) we tale all precautions so that you are absolutely sure that we do our best. Kids are offered security insurance for the time period of their school attendance. Moreover, educators constantly yet responsibly and discreetly oversee kids all over the school. Kids feel free to act and take initiative without being in any kind of danger.

Η είσοδος στο σχολείο δεν επιτρέπεται παρά μόνο στους γονείς και κηδεμόνες.
